To Congress, Macron used the terrified voice of dying globalism and enraged authoritarianism

It is never within man’s abilities to be perfect. That said, French President Emmanuel Macron came fairly close to perfection in his description of the world he envisions and wants to be imposed on the United States. It is a vision that, undoubtedly, will nauseate, infuriate, and worry those Americans who believe — as President Trump’s claims to — in an “America First,” non-interventionist foreign policy.

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Mr. Trump takes a swim in the swamp. Can he get out? Does he want to get out?

The U.S.-led attack on Syria was reckless, unnecessary, and self-defeating, but most of all it is clear testimony to the fact that the republic and its Constitution are nearly dead. Simply put, President Trump acted in the same matter as his four immediate predecessors; that is, as an elected dictator defying the Constitution and knowing that the supine Congress will do nothing to recover its sole and non-delegable constitutional prerogative to authorize the United States to go to war.

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Mueller, his DoJ superiors, and their subordinates — first for elimination?

I am by nature, upbringing, education, and professional experience a law-and-order guy. In this space, I have often said that the rule of law and equality before the law are the sine qua non of American liberty and the republic’s social cohesion. I still believe this, but am beginning to think that to save both, we can no longer tolerate a Department of Justice and FBI that are clearly engaged in a lawless attempt to overthrow a legitimately elected U.S. president.

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On Syria and Russia: Sanity and madness

No blessing ever seems to arrive in a manner that allows it to be appreciated and lingered over. In the case of President Trump’s stated intention to soon withdraw all U.S. forces from Syria, the beauty of that announcement is marred by the dangerous and ongoing insanity of the aggression of the Trump administration and NATO against Russia for defending itself against unwarranted, Western interventionist, regime-change operations in the Ukraine.

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