Galloping toward the abyss: The price of U.S. interventionism in Syria and Israel

While the presidential election campaign is focused on the economy and Barack Obama’s transparent desire for class war in the United States, Americans ought to take a quick look at the outside world to examine the approaching wave of interventionist-wrought disaster, a wave for which both parties are equally culpable.

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On Afghanistan, Mrs. Clinton owes an apology to Americans on behalf of Democrats and Republicans

It would have been interesting to see Mrs. Clinton swagger across her office to take the phone and apologize to the Pakistanis for last year’s mistaken U.S. attack on their soldiers. For a woman usually so full of war-speak and arrogance it must have been hard for her to put on sack cloth and ashes. Even more, though, it would have been fascinating to watch the Pakistanis at the other end of the line as their tried not to howl with laughter as the Secretary of State of a once-great power cried uncle and said “we’re sorry” to a team of Third World poker players who knew they held the winning hand all along.

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