When war comes, Dr. Paul can say: ‘George Washington and I tried to warn you.’

For much more than a decade, Dr. Ron Paul has warned Americans about the danger inherent in a bipartisan foreign policy that intervenes in other peoples’ affairs, seeks to impose Western values on others, and writes blank-check commitments to fight for other countries in wars where no genuine U.S. national interest at risk. Dr. Paul often cites George Washington’s words in this regard, as our first president — and the greatest American — clearly, starkly and eloquently warned of the disasters awaiting the United States if its leaders engaged in an interventionist foreign policy and favored one nation over all the others.

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Who should apologize for Afghanistan?

Driving to Mass this morning I was listening to FOX on the issue of Afghanistan and the killing of U.S. and NATO soldiers by our supposed Afghan allies. FOX had its “terrorism expert” on and he was blathering about how President Obama’s apology for the recent Koran burning was causing more violence in Afghanistan and across the Muslim world. The apology, said the “expert,” was typical of Obama’s weakness, and this weakness is contributing to the rise of Islamist power in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Afghanistan, and other places. Somehow Obama’s apology for the Koran burning was explained by FOX’s “expert” as an apology for “U.S. policy,” which surprised me as I did not know our policy was to burn Korans.

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